Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Busy Colors

Two weeks is a long time away, I just haven't got my act together in posting. I have been quite busy creating artwork and doing mother stuff with my little one. Still getting used to that even though he is one now!
I still do not have adsl, which makes life on the internet very slow. Good ol dial up alhamdulillah, at least I can function somewhat.
I pulled out some old stencil designs from awhile back and started water watercolor painting. I was quite pleasantly surprised to see the results. They are still rough samples maybe to turn into bigger pieces of art later on.
I would like to do more compilations of these "Hand of Fatima" designs. I chose it simply because of the shape although I know in Morocco and North African countries it is used as a talisman to ward off evil.
any comments?

1 comment:

Zamzam Design said...

TAG, you're it!
You've been tagged to share 7 random facts about yourself! See my Blog for the details/rules.